Thursday, 13 September 2007

Tales from the Hoover

I feel very illicit as am writing this in the high-security Archives room at the Hoover Institute (which also doubles as a Conservative think tank, just to let you know how crazy this place is.) An update is in order so here goes:

The baseball game was funfunfun, in all seriousness. No one actually watches the game. They just eat. I ate: garlic fries, cheesy nachos, a chocolate brownie, a huge cookies&cream icecream, a huge cup of lemonade, a cup of green tea and a "Superdog", in the space of about 3 hours. Am still suffering for it. The SF Giants ("our" team) won the game, yay, and there was a home run although I'ms till not clear exactly what this entails. There was also singing of "Take me out to the Ballgame" and some horrendous lounge singer doing the Star Spangled Banner, it was all very American, oh and the mascot of the team is a sea lion! Cute. So I liked that. We missed the train home so waited for the midnight one in SF station. Interestingly, they have Safeway here. Got home about 1.30am then had 2 games of Scrabble, which occupied myself and Scott until around 4. I lost both games, which is a bit embarassing. Have lost count of the games of Scrabble that I have screwed up whilst here.

Yesterday I finally got down to some proper work and spent the afternoon between libraries. Read a GI's diary (hilarious- may post some extracts sometime), a female pilot's letters and a billeted housewife's diary. You're not allowed to take your own paper in here- "authorised notepaper" only. Weirdos. Then I went to the Green Library, which is insanely huge and full of stacks, and I found nothing and it was a rather misspent hour, so I went to the dorm and slept. In the evening we had "s'mores", which for the uninitiated are digestive biscuit sandwiches of chocolate and toasted marshmallow. Was quite excited to do a proper campfire but the s'mores were frankly terrifying. I do not recommend. Played more Scrabble, lost again, then had a relatively early night.

Today I'm kind of sad as tomorrow we move to different accommodation and I am going to miss the Americans loads, sob. We had a D-day veteran in class (he must be so old! he was born in 1921!) which was so interesting. He was at Omaha Beach and showed us loads of photos from his boat, very Saving Private Ryan. Its weird to think how few opportunities people have left to talk to someone like that.

And now work needs to be done. The sketchy librarian approaches....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is completely irrelevant to your post, but I HAD to tell you....The Tudors episodes have all been put up with working links on tv links again! My life is once again complete! But I feel lost without you to watch these stunning bits of quality TV with. We'll have to have a proper Tudors session in freshers week (that is if I've finished my vac reading by then, which isn't looking likely!) How is the old US of A btw?
Lots of historical love,
PS - Just read a book which told me that all the stuff about Richard III being evil and killing his nephews was invented by Thomas More and purely victors' history. Hoorah!