Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Another day..

So I'm thinking this may be a shortish entry, shocking I know as I havent posted since, like, a few days ago anyway. But you know, it's a long trek from the 3rd floor to the "computer cluster". Considering I used to wash in the bath when our shower was broken last year rather than bother to go up to another floor....
Aanyway. What American things have I been doing? Today we went to the mall. On bikes. They're kind of American-y bikes, with crazy handlebars, and I am most excited to have hired one. Not that I will ever cycle in Oxford (death trap) but it's a novelty here. So yeah, the mall. It's all outdoors, and there are lots of "preppy" shops (so I am told), but we went in what I think is their Debenhams and I bought a very nice dress so it's all fine. Apparently you can cycle anywhere in California. We're considering cycling to the nearest Walmart, which is pretty extreme. I will try not to die.
We've also had 2 classes so far. Both are with the most crazy Oxford-style professor who is 75 (I asked), has a very strong New York accent and digresses more than Nightingale, and James, you will understand the significance of this. We also had to do a "paper" yesterday, that was, get ready Oxford people: 500 words. On our THOUGHTS. Not like, proper work. Not like, think, do loads of reading. It was weird. I wrote 1200. The novelty of "class" has basically worn off now though, and so i'm trying to think of other stuff... we went to have "fro-yo" in town last night, and we also had a barbecue. The weather is amazing.
I'm pretty sleepy- it's like 7.30pm here, how lame Stanford makes me - but very happy. I would so transfer here. It is like, chilled central, the work is not work and the sun is nice and warm and you can cycle everywhere without dying. The Americans are hilarious and ridiculously nice. I wish you were all here too.
(I'm also noticing that I'm picking up the Californian speech pattern, which is disturbing, so I will try and avoid it in future. Or maybe I'll keep it til Freshers Week to entertain you all. And Terry, I met a girl who knows you! Mimi? It was briefly very exciting.)

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