Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Sleep deprivation and me

I decided to post in this blog rather than go to bed, as it's 2pm and although I am absolutely DEAD of exhaustion I need to think about "important" stuff such as my upcoming "oral report" and extended essay that is in for next Monday. I'll do that later however, as it's time for a blog post.

Soo, we went to San Francisco on Saturday as a "class bonding" activity. (our class is so bonded, which is nice.) We walked from the train station to Fisherman's Wharf (= a long way), and I ate some kind of fish soup out of a bowl made of bread. Which was kind of interesting. We saw the sea lions, had an icecream that served 8 people, and missed the train back to Stanford so had to hang around for another hour. I've touched on it before, but SF is actually awesome. Go there. So when we got back we had "The Game", which as well as being ingeniously titled is in actuality a ridiculously long-winded treasure hunt that is reputed to last up to 12 hours. Our team gave up at 3am when most of it had gone to bed; we came 5th. I lost multiple games of Hangman.

Sunday we went on a trip to some museums in SF. One was the Legion of Honour, which was an intriguing collection of random furniture and art from various British country houses arranged artfully, and the other was the De Young, a rather more modern affair designed by the people who designed the Tate, not exactly the most attractive building in Britain I thought, but whatever. There were some cool things, it was OK, la la la, we came back and chatted in the corridor til 2am as seems to happen every night, hence my exhaustion.

Yesterday we watched propaganda films in class and I almost fell asleep. Lol, this account makes me sound so bored. It was alright, one of them was narrated by Laurence Olivier and included verses from "Jerusalem", and I am not sure whether the Americans amongst us understood a single word, mostly because I really didn't. Went swimming again in the afternoon. I would NEVER get tired of doing that. It's so nice and sunny at around 5pm and you can sunbathe on the grass and then swim and basically, it is fabulous (or "faaaaaaaaaabulous" as our tutor exclaimed today in his brilliant New York Jewish accent). In the evening the tutors of the different classes explained to us how they "arrived at their intellectual passions", including a crazy, undersexed opera-loving woman who I swear was transported from like, 1845. And our own fantastic tutor Professor Stansky, who informed us that "modern sex" didnt exist when he was at uni. Good to know. Later I ate cold Pop Tarts and lost at Scrabble. To an American. Still cringeing.

Today I am mostly tired, but it's been OK so far. I just registered at the Hoover Institute archives and am quite excited about going to read real GIs' diaries and letters tomorrow for my still non-existent essay. Tonight we are going to SF to see a baseball game, which I will reserve judgement on, though I refuse to sing or do the Pledge of Allegiance or shout maniacally at the players in true American fashion, as in this I am determined to remain resoundingly British. All in all it's lovely here. Hope all is good. xx


Anonymous said...

"Later I...lost at Scrabble. To an American. Still cringeing."

So you should be! If a rematch occurs, try using words which relate to things that existed pre-1600. Americans don't have a history, they won't stand a chance! :p

Miss you.

PS - Saw this in the paper ce matin...thought it might tickle your fancy...it certainly did mine!


Anonymous said...

Haha Verity, thats the spirit- insult the Yanks. They love it, as I have discovered.
Miss you too! not long now.. then freshers partying xxx