Thursday, 30 August 2007


Right, testing this blog.
I have decided that it would be easiest to post a blog during my time at Stanford than give everyone long-winded individual accounts, so although this is probably very presumptuous and none of you care, here is where you can read exciting and stimulating anecdotes and think of me, far away in l'Amerique, for a whole 23 days.
I haven't even left home yet so this really isn't very exciting at all, but I shall endeavour to update as regularly as poss when I get there. You can even post comments, you dont have to be a member of this site or anything. Just so I know you're all alive. I strongly encourage this...
Speak soon..


Anonymous said...

Hey Harriet, this is a great idea. It should be a good read to see how you're doing in the ol' US of A. Hope you have a wonderful time. When are you actually leaving?

Harriet said...

I'm leaving in approximately 8 hours Greg, am alternating between excited and absolutely terrified. Yay I'm glad someone will be reading! Hope your hols are going v well.xx