Thursday, 30 August 2007

A newsflash.

I just have to post to say: I have FINISHED my packing. I have done it, and redone it, about fifteen times. Literally.
Books I am taking (very important): Perfume, Hallam Foe, So Many Ways to Begin, and a shiny biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Randomest item I've packed: Probably a travel kettle that I picked up for a bargainous £4 at Sainsburys, complete with plastic mugs and spoons, and a box of Earl Grey. Tea, tea, tea. (!)

12 hours on a plane tomorrow, good stuff. I promise that the next time I post, I will be in California.



Right, testing this blog.
I have decided that it would be easiest to post a blog during my time at Stanford than give everyone long-winded individual accounts, so although this is probably very presumptuous and none of you care, here is where you can read exciting and stimulating anecdotes and think of me, far away in l'Amerique, for a whole 23 days.
I haven't even left home yet so this really isn't very exciting at all, but I shall endeavour to update as regularly as poss when I get there. You can even post comments, you dont have to be a member of this site or anything. Just so I know you're all alive. I strongly encourage this...
Speak soon..